KYB | Business Address Verification

Accurately Verify Business Address Globally

Verify business address existence from 6000+ registries and government-backed databases to satisfy compliance and effective risk management. Identify illegal organisations before onboarding.

Scale With Ease

Satisfy KYB requirements through seamless business address verification as you grow. The Youverify address verification solution helps you verify businesses and stay compliant.

Realtime Business Verification

Automatically verify business addresses as part of your KYB onboarding process. Identify businesses with fake and illegal address listing for fraud prevention and effective risk management.

Global Coverage

Our business address verification solution allows you to verify the legal address of businesses anywhere in the world.

Superior Technology for Quality Assurance

Verify Business Address via Geolocation

With millions of verified addresses in our databases and sources, we verify your business address in real-time through automated intelligent AI.

User-Focused Case Management for Risk Profiling

Manage customer risk profiles after verification through our intuitive case management platform. Make informed decisions with the right information at hand.

Seamlessly Integrate Your Tech Infrastructure with the Youverify OS

Integrate with Youverify OS via our plug-and-play SDKs or API to start enjoying our services today. The process is simple and easy to complete with 99.9% uptime.

Explore our Developer Kit

Verify your Customer Address With Zero Error Margin & 24-hour Turn Around Time

Send us a message right away! Our experts will reach out to help you start verifying customer data faster than ever. This is how we build reliable compliance solutions. Book a demo below.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Business Address Verification Software?

An address verification software helps businesses verify the address of corporate entities. Youverify's flagship product, YV OS, is our address verification software.

How does Business Address Verification Work?

What Documents are Accepted for Proof of Address?

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